Hacktoberfest 2023: the ultimate list of 21 GitHub repositories with cool swag
Long live the Hacktoberfest T-shirt. Though the original Hacktoberfest has gone digital-only this year for rewards, there are plenty of other open-source repos giving away cool prizes.
And truly, the real prize is contributing something epic to open-source projects. Right?
We've put together a list of open-source GitHub repositories that you can contribute to and earn some slick rewards along the way.
Hacktoberfest page: https://mindsdb.com/hacktoberfest
Github Repository: https://github.com/mindsdb/mindsdb/issues
Requirements: 📜 Make PR, Submit the Submission form on the website, Earn Credits, Buy Swag.
How to participate: Check GitHub issues labeled hacktoberfest, help-wanted. You’ll see the number of credits you can earn inside each issue. If you want to suggest a new idea for the contribution, please submit a new issue.Submit the PR. Once the PR is merged, submit the link to the Submission form on the Hacktoberfest Webpage.
Get a chance to win one of the two amazing Razor Blade 16 Laptops
Collect points by contributing to various types of issues and redeem them at MindsDB Swag store
MindsDB University Scholarships (10 x $500)
Get MindsDB Empowerment Package for App Developers
Hacktoberfest page: https://airbyte.com/blog/announcing-airbytes-tentaculous-hacktoberfest-2023-edition
Github Repository: https://github.com/orgs/airbytehq/projects/46/views/1
How to participate:
Contribute to improving connectors.
Write quickstarts for Airbyte.
Submit your work through the submission form on Airbyte’s webpage
Most connector improvements
1st place: $4000
2nd place: $2000
3rd place: $1500
4th place: $1000
5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th place: $500
Best performing written quickstarts:
1st place: $3000
2nd place: $2000
3rd place: $1500
4th place: $1000
5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th place: $500
Additional prizes: For every contribution, you'll earn swag credits. which can be redeemed at the Airbyte Swag Store
Hacktoberfest page: https://hacked.treblle.com/
Github Repository: https://github.com/orgs/Treblle/repositories
How to participate:
Sign up via the submission form. (https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfC_8mX8lpQNhksqQGUhsQ0zTvRzMC5YzufVVbVkPksxouLFw/viewform)
Build an SDK with any language or framework of your choosing for Treblle
Cash pool of $6,660:
1st Place: $2666 + Special edition Hoodies, T-Shirts and Socks for every team member
2nd Place: $1666 + Special edition Hoodies, T-Shirts and Socks for every team member
3rd Place: $666 + Special edition Hoodies, T-Shirts and Socks for every team member
4th Place: $500 + T-Shirts and Socks for every team member
5th Place: $400 + T-Shirts and Socks for every team member
6th Place: $200 + Socks for every team member
7th Place: $200 + Socks for every team member
8th Place: $162 + Socks for every team member
9th Place: $100 + Socks for every team member
10th Place: $100 + Socks for every team member
Hacktoberfest page: https://www.hanko.io/hackathon
Github Repository: https://github.com/teamhanko
How to participate:
Create any functioning app that can be hosted online with Hanko auth integrated
Customize Hanko Elements. The most unique (yet functional) design takes the crown
Ensure you have a public repository with a comprehensive README document.
Your contributions should be hosted online. Provide a live link on any platform of your choice.
How to sign up: Sign up on Hanko
Rewards: A MacBook Pro 14" M2, 10 Yubikey 5C and other Hanko swag
Hacktoberfest page: https://developer.tbd.website/blog/hacktoberfest/#-rewards-events-and-excitement
Github Repository: https://github.com/TBD54566975/developer.tbd.website.
How to participate:
Check for GitHub issues on their repository with the label `good first issue’
Check out contributor rankings on their [leaderboard](https://github.com/TBD54566975/developer.tbd.website/issues/721)
Top 3 contributors get custom Hacktoberfest swag
Top 20 contributors get TBD swag
Hacktoberfest page: https://collectivai.com/blog/hacktoberfest-2023-registrations-start-the-complete-guide-to-win-a-t-shirt-learn-and-contribute
Github Repository: There is no direct link, contributors who contribute to repositories that has more than >100 stars can claim for swag with Collectiv by filling out this form: https://tally.so/r/3xDxgJ
Rewards: Custom Collectiv swag T-shirts, mugs and more
Hacktoberfest page: https://umbraco.com/blog/umbraco-hacktoberfest-2023/
Github Repository: https://github.com/umbraco/Umbraco-CMS/issues
How to participate:
Contribute to [CMS Issues](https://github.com/umbraco/Umbraco-CMS/issues/12546)
Writing [documentation](https://docs.umbraco.com/welcome/contribute/getting-started)
User experience [testing](https://github.com/umbraco/Umbraco-CMS/tree/v10/dev/tests/Umbraco.Tests.AcceptanceTest)
Contribute to [Packages](https://github.com/umbraco/Umbraco.Packages/tree/main/Hacktoberfest2023)
Rewards: Contributors can request to have a custom Umbraco T-shirt or choose to have trees planted
Check out https://novu.co/hacktoberfest/ to see how you can participate in Hacktoberfest.
Github Repository: https://github.com/novuhq/novu-elixir/issues
How to contribute:
Contributions to open issues
Build a demo app
Write a blog post
Make a tutorial
Rewards: Win swag packs, Novu hacktoberfest T-shirts and stickers, with 3 merged Pull Requests
Ballerina Swan Lake
Hacktoberfest page: https://ballerina.io/hacktoberfest/
Github Repository: https://github.com/orgs/ballerina-platform/projects/362
How to contribute:
Code contributions:
Choose from these [issues](https://github.com/orgs/ballerina-platform/projects/362/views/1) to contribute with code
Low/No Code contributions:
Create informative and engaging videos(tutorials, introductory or comparison videos) or written content (articles/blogs) about Ballerina
Coded contribution rewards:
A $25 Amazon voucher
A Ballerina branded sticker pack
Free vouchers for WSO2 practitioner and developer certifications
Choreo credits (10 components for free for 3 months + $1,000 infrastructure credits)
Low/No Code contributions:
The top 3 contributions will receive Amazon vouchers, valued at:
1st Place : $300
2nd Place : $200
3rd Place : $100
6 more winners will get Amazon vouchers valued at $50 USD.
Additionally, all of the above will receive:
A Ballerina T-shirt
A Ballerina branded sticker pack
Free vouchers for WSO2 practitioner and developer certifications
Choreo credits (10 components for free for 3 months + $1,000 infrastructure credits)
Hacktoberfest page: https://www.akto.io/akto-hacktoberfest-2023
Github Repository: https://github.com/akto-api-security/akto/issues?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+label%3Ahacktoberfest
How to participate: Contribute to Akto’s github repository by solving issues posted.
1 Contribution: Akto Stickers
2 Contributions: Akto t-shirt
3 Contributions: Akto hoodie
4+ contributions: All of the above
Hacktoberfest page: https://cloudinary.com/blog/hacktoberfest-celebrate-open-source-sdks
Github Repository: https://github.com/cloudinary
How to participate:
Contribute to Cloudinaries SDK’s and Libraries with the label
labeled on their project:Here’s a complete list of the official projects they’re making available:
Here are the Cloudinary-supported community libraries available:
Svelte: https://github.com/cloudinary-community/svelte-cloudinary
Netlify: https://github.com/cloudinary-community/netlify-plugin-cloudinary
Gatsby: https://github.com/cloudinary-devs/gatsby-transformer-cloudinary
Gatsby: https://github.com/cloudinary-devs/gatsby-source-cloudinary
Laravel: https://github.com/cloudinary-devs/cloudinary-laravel
Cloudinary examples: https://github.com/cloudinary-community/cloudinary-examples
1 Cloudinary Hacktoberfest T-shirt (Limited Edition)
2 Cloudinary Hacktoberfest Stickers (Limited Edition)
3 Cloudinary Stickers
1 Cloudinary Unicorn
Hacktoberfest page: https://flyte.org/blog/flyte-at-hacktoberfest-2023
Github Repository: https://github.com/flyteorg/flyte/issues/4064
How to participate:
Register any time between September 26 and October 31 on the Hacktoberfest site.
Pick any “hacktoberfest”-labeled issue on their github repository.
2 merged/accepted PRs*: T-shirt and sticker
3 merged/accepted PRs*: Water bottle and sticker
Plugin*: Amazon Gift Card
3+ merged/accepted PRs*: Flyte crewneck sweatshirt and sticker
Hacktoberfest page: https://hyperswitch.io/hacktoberfest
Github Repository: https://github.com/juspay/hyperswitch/issues
How to participate:
Contributions to open issues
Write a blog
Build a demo app
Rewards: Win a swag pack with every merged PR
Hacktoberfest page: https://www.jenkins.io/events/hacktoberfest/
Github Repository: They have various GitHub repos available listed on their Hacktoberfest webpage or you to contribute to:
How to participate:
Contribute to any repository in either of those organizations or any other Jenkins-related repository on GitHub. Be aware that repositories may have different contribution guidelines, review processes, and merge policies.
If you adopt Jenkins in your open-source projects, such as Jenkins Pipeline or Configuration as Code, this counts as well.
Rewards: Swag to top contributors, depending on the budget and contribution.
Hacktoberfest page: https://community.appsmith.com/content/announcement/welcome-appsmith-hacktoberfest-2023
Github Repository: https://github.com/appsmithorg/appsmith/issues
How to participate:
- Create your app! Start Hacking by creating your Appsmith app in any of the following categories: UI Building Block, Starter Templates, Full Apps, or Development Tools and show us the best to win prizes! (Read the FAQ to understand more about the categories)
Rewards: There will be a winner for each 4 categories- Top 4 winners gets a swag package each.
Hacktoberfest page: https://turbot.com/blog/2023/10/hacktoberfest-2023
Github Repository: https://github.com/turbot
How to participate:
Publish a public facing blog post featuring Steampipe, Turbot Pipes, or Turbot Guardrails (examples).
Record a publicly-accessible presentation, podcast, or talk about Steampipe, Turbot Pipes, or Turbot Guardrails.
Submit an update to their Steampipe docs on steampipe.io/docs or hub.steampipe.io.
File a bug issue, with a detailed explanation of the testing you performed, to one of their public Turbot repos.
Raise a pull request for a bug fix or code improvement.
Add a new column to an existing Steampipe table.
Add a new control to an existing Steampipe benchmark.
Add a sample to our Turbot Guardrails or Steampipe repos.
Add a new Steampipe table to an existing plugin.
Add a new Steampipe dashboard to an existing Insights mod.
Add a new Steampipe benchmark to an existing compliance mod.
Develop a new Steampipe plugin and publish it to Steampipe Hub - Plugins.
Develop a new Steampipe mod and publish it to Steampipe Hub - Mods.
Participate in a company case study published on their Turbot or Steampipe blog.
Earn SWAG by contributing:
No-code for a Turbot Hacktoberfest sticker.
Low-code for a Turbot Hacktoberfest sticker.
High-code for a Turbot Hacktoberfest t-shirt.
Hacktoberfest page: https://www.servicenow.com/community/developer-advocate-blog/hacktoberfest-2023/ba-p/2685081
Github Repository: https://github.com/ServiceNowDevProgram/Hacktoberfest
How to participate:
Watch this video to see how you can participate https://youtu.be/JDJvBtsH2xo.
Rewards: SWAG includes:
CreatorCon 2023 T-Shirt (while supplies last)
Miscellaneous ServiceNow merchandise, stickers, and a soon-to-be-announced prize.
Check out https://www.illacloud.com/hacktoberfest2023 to see how you can participate in Hacktoberfest
Github Repository: https://github.com/illacloud/illa-builder/issues
How to participate:
Build an app and contribute it to the ILLA community to earn points
Build an AI Agent
Illa Package: A swag package including Stickers, Fridge magnet and Canvas bag.
Digital badge: 4 digital badges that can be added to your GitHub, LinkedIn, etc.
Hacktoberfest page: https://dagshub.com/blog/hacktoberfest-2023/).
Github Repository: https://github.com/DagsHub/Hacktoberfest-Issues
How to participate:
Register at DagsHub https://dagshub.com/user/sign_up
Choose a project from the list below or any DagsHub hosted project participating in Hacktoberfest
Submit pull requests on both DagsHub and GitHub. If it's not a challenge listed below, make sure to open a pull request on our Hacktoberfest Issues project.
Your pull requests must be accepted by the project maintainers to count towards your total contributions.
The first 10 participants whose initial 10 PR/MR on the Intermediate and Advanced challenges are accepted will get a DagsHub swag package.
The first 10 participants whose initial 10 PR/MR on the Noe-code and Beginner challenges are accepted will get a DagsHub sticker
Widget book
Check out https://github.com/widgetbook/widgetbook/issues/918 to contribute to Hacktoberfest.
Github Repository: https://github.com/widgetbook/widgetbook/issues/918
Rewards: Widget book branded unique design T-shirts and sticker packs.
HackSquad 2023
Hacksquad is a developers’ group where you can sign up with your github account to solve issues for Hacktoberfest and earn rewards.
Website: https://www.hacksquad.dev/
Rewards: Hacksquad branded swag
Hacktoberfest is an exciting opportunity to contribute to open-source projects with numerous GitHub repositories offering swag and prizes. Beyond the rewards, it's a chance to learn, collaborate, and leave your mark on the world of open-source.
Let's make this year's Hacktoberfest unforgettable. Wishing everyone the best of luck in their contributions. Happy hacking.